
An Open Invitation...

Dear Investor:

“In 1966, two months before Walt Disney’s death, he unveils PROJECT X – the basis for EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow). He envisioned a Planned   Environment   with 20,000 people living in a 50 Acre Climate Controlled Snow Globe ” (Fast Company, May 2015)

Through the years the project has evolved in Orlando, Florida which is now worth Billions of Dollars and patronized worldwide. After 50 years, in a Distant Country, Philippines and a Two hour Drive from the Metropolis, an idea of Creating   the NAKAR INITIAVE is   born and it is called   ELCOT (EXPERIMENTAL LIVING COMMUNITY OF TOMORROW) involving 5,897 Farmers and 15,000 Hectares of land ,   It was meant to re-plan and re-develop Coconut Farms   and from its drawing and planning stage, it has gone through Reformative and Transformative changes including Diversification and Clustering, Communal Farming Enterprise, Combine Plantation with Processing, New Farming System with Professional Corporative Management, A Reformative Farm-Profit Sharing System, Appointment of a Trustee,   and GENERATE FUNDS FROM A NEW CAPITAL MARKET.

We present this Private Placement Memorandum to invite you to be our partner in a one-of-a-kind Agri-Agra Development project in the Philippines located in Nakar, Quezon which is just 20 minutes Boat Ride from the World Famous High End Resort Balesin and its called ELCOT - Experimental Living Community of Tomorrow covering 15,000 hectares or 37,000 Acres divided into Seven Clusters i.e Coconut, Sweet Sorghum, Bamboo, Livestock, Nursery, Township (School, Hospital, Hotel, Residential Medium to High Rise Elcot Building and a Green Supermarket, Natures True Cure Restaurant, Healing and Meditation Spas) and Research and Development Cluster.

By investing in ELCOT you will be a part of a lasting legacy and a one of a kind project that will empower the Farmers to be a part of a Reformative Farm Profit Sharing System wherein 50% belongs to them and be a Steward of an ELCOT Run Worldwide project.

Our ELCOT Nakar   Estate will live up to its reputation through our “GO GREEN” Policy using solar & wind energy and bio-mass power plants, reclaimed water for landscape, saving energy with high efficiency automated lighting  and zen roof-top gardens.

Our offering is limited and on a first come first served basis.

We hope to have this opportunity to welcome you on board.


The Management  Team
ELCOT International